Nobody can precisely predict the future...
But we can use simulations to provide robust insights into what is likely to occur, and we give measures of certainty about those predictions.
Strategic planning often incorporates the proportional allocation of resources among large categories of business activities. Simulation modeling and sensitivity analysis can be used to identify and leverage those allocations so that they are most certain to be beneficial.
Simulation modeling also can be used to test any number of strategies and options, without real-world risks. often built on the outcomes of previous analytics, simulation models can be designed and customized to incorporate a range of uncertainties, and to yield helpful actionable results. For example, we used agent based models to evaluate resource allocations at the continent scale, and under a range of potential future scenarios that incorporated uncertainty about impending environmental and land use changes in the century to come. Similar approaches can be used by customer to test transit patterning options for retailers, animal movements, or resource dissemination.
We have deep experience designing and conducting custom simulations that address specific business needs, and that provide probabilistic outcome frameworks and helpful insights into the best approaches to address future uncertainty.