Unit Types (click thumbnails above for details)
GPS-GSM units by Ecotone Telemetry record data and send those directly to your computer when they encounter a cell phone communications network, worldwide.
- Solar units send data remotely for multiple years.
- They are produced at weights as low as 13g, which enables remote monitoring of avian movements for species as light as 250g.
- High efficiency equipment enables constant location recording as often as every 15 minutes.
GPS-GPRS-GSM-UHF units by e-obs record data and send those directly to your computer using telecommunications networks in a way similar to the GPS-GSM units, but with substantially more data efficiency (thousands of locations). UHF system allows direct downloading and control with hand-held system when units are nearby.
- Units can "smartly" manage power and sampling, such that data are collected at very high rates when batteries are charged.
- Sophisticated sampling regimes and duty cycles that respond to movement.
- Solar units send extreme amounts of data for many years.
- A "pinger" system allows directional tracking with VHF-like system by e-obs.
GPS-UHF sensors by e-obs and Ecotone Telemetry record data and send those to a hand-held or mounted receiver.
- GPS-UHF sensors are lightweight (as low as 4.5g).
- Provide energy efficiency that allows point-logging as frequently as every 5 minutes in direct sunlight, or every second on batteries.
- e-obs tags record at rates of 1 point per second, and automatically "super-burst" record at high battery levels.
- Collect and log up to 1 million points, which are then transmitted to a hand-held or fix-mounted receiver system across distances as great as 6km.
- Constructed in a number of configurations for use on species as light as 90g, and specialized recording regimes can be programmed by the user.
GPS-GSM-UHF sensors by Ecotone Telemetry combine the benefits of telecommunications data transmission and remote hand-held data download.
- GSM remote downloads.
- UHF communications to facilitate data download when study subjects are not within range of a GSM network.
- The sensors are available in a number of configurations and at weights as low as 17g for use on species as light as 350g.