e-obs GPRS High-Res (42g+)

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Bird Solar GPRS 90g_Orginal_old with only 2 solar panels, white stork version.jpg
Bird Solar GPRS 57g_Orginal_old with only 2 solar panels, white stork version.jpg
Bird Solar GPRS 48&59_old with only 2 solar panels.jpg
Bird Solar GPRS 90g_Orginal_old with only 2 solar panels, white stork version.jpg
Bird Solar GPRS 57g_Orginal_old with only 2 solar panels, white stork version.jpg

e-obs GPRS High-Res (42g+)


e-obs GPRS High-Res Units

e-obs provides the most sophisticated system available in its GPRS units.  These custom-tuned units provide extremely high resolution data that can be reprogrammed on-the-fly.  Data can be collected in response to movement and activity, and sensors can collect data at very high resolutions.

  • Extremely high resolution movement and position data (1Hz sereis as a basic tool).
  • Reprogrammable data collection, collection regimes altered via online interface.
  • Data transferred using telecommunications network using efficient data packets that result in very low transmission costs.
  • Strongly constructed and appropriate for eagles and large birds.
  • All e-obs tags include a "pinger" system to track birds using VHF and hand-held tracking techniques.

Units begin around 40g (check again soon - 25g models arriving after testing!)

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